Sunday, August 4, 2013

True Happiness..............

Hello my beautiful friends! This blog is going to be a little different from all the others. What will make it so different, you ask? Well, in any other blog post, I would normally sit down for days prior to post, and would have came up with topics, guidelines, things to talk about, edit and proofread, but in this particular post I am honestly typing what is on my mind at the present time.

I am going to try not to bore you all with a long blog about what has been bothering me in the past few weeks, but I do want to share with you guys some things that have been going on in my life and why my faith is so deep in God.

A few weeks ago, I found out that my mom is in the hospital with a pretty bad infection in her body. The infection was so bad that she was under a "health hazard" and her room door was marked in green as an indication of being highly contagious and infectious. Of course my heart began to cry out for my Mother, for healing and wholeness. For as long as I can remember, my Mom has always dealt with health issues. In 2002 she was diagnosed with Diabetes and years prior she had numerous surgeries for other issues she dared to tell us because she wanted no one to worry. As I began to cry out to God for my Mom's healing, He interuppted my prayer to say, "What would it do for me to heal her body, but her soul still be dead? You see my mother is not saved. Yes, she believes in God, claims to love God, and knows that He is real, but she has yet to make him Lord over her life. This was most definitely what I didn't want to her from God during a prayer, but it was what I needed to hear.

This is what God was saying, Yes, I could heal Brenda and make her whole, but that is not what I only want to do for her. I come to give life. healing is great, but LIFE IS BETTER!

 I can pray for my mother, I can pray that God keep her safe, heal her, cure her make her doctor appointments a great experience for that week, I can even pray that she can quit a very bad habit that she has carried around for 30+ years, but if her heart isn't right with God then all that doesn't really matter. Now in my heart, I know God wasn't saying not pray for her and the issues that she has. I need to pray for those things and will. He was telling me to be in prayer for a lost soul. He was telling me to be in prayer for someone who needed to know about a God who loves them more than they could ever imagine. I needed to praying that she would surrender all to God and choose to live a life pleasing to the One who can set free, heal and deliver!

In Matthew 16:26 it says, "For what does a person benefit if he gains the whole world and lacks his soul? Or what will a person give to regain his soul?"  Yes, I need to be praying for my Mom, but praying for her salvation should be the most important. It wouldn't do any good for her to just one day up & say, "I am going to quit doing all this bad stuff that cause my body harm!" And walk around freed from addiction, but still be bound to all the other stuff in her life that is no good for her soul.

I want to see my Mom healed and whole physically, I can't wait to see the true color of her eyes and have her talk to me with a sobber mind everyday, BUT I DESIRE NOW, TO SEE HER SAVED!!! I am asking all my bothers and sister who believe, to please be in prayer for my Mother.

It says in His word that "by his stripes we are healed." In this he is talking about a SPIRITUAL HEALING, NOT PHYSICAL! God is concerned with our inner more than the outer. When we get the inner taken care of and allow him to dwell within us, then He begins to work on the outer!

Be Blessed my Beautiful Friends <3

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