Adonai's Daughters

"there are NO insecurities that you have in your life, that surpass who you are in Christ." -ADONAI's Daughter

Our mission through ADONAI's Daughters is to reach out to our young girls & bring hope. This program is held together, designed, formatted and shaped by the very hands of God. We will have the opportunity to inform them that Christ desires a personal relationship with them. There is restoration and healing in Him. Sharing with them the very promises of God. We will let them know that there's more to life than a false sense of hope and security that comes along with being in a relationship from an immature ungodly mind. Let them know that with God ALL things are possible. We can overcome, we dont have to be a product of our environment, we don't have to become what some people say we must be. We can set goals and achieve them. We don't have to sale out to the "norm". We don't have to be weighed down by our bad choices, past or negative remarks that people cough up to degrade us. We can look good with clothes on, with our heads held high as we walk in the radiant beauty of God's holiness. We don't have to search the world looking for love, God will help us to understand that it's not there. We will understand that God is LOVE & there is no greater feeling than to be loved by Love himself. We are princesses clothed in his jewels, we are heirs and we are cared for because He cares. We are all his children, his prized possessions......we are Daughters of the Most High God. We are ADONAI's Daughters. Lenay Williams -Adonai's Daughters

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