Tuesday, August 14, 2012

God gives....

God gives generously! I am so thankful to be a witness of this. God gives us all great opportunities, some BIG some small, but all in all they are from God so that makes them perfect!

                           I have definitely witness God's goodness these last few years. Though He has been giving me more than I can imagine all my life, it wasn't until I came to know Him personally that I could identify God's from and my own selfish desires. About 2 years ago, God placed ADONAI's Daughters  on my heart. It is an outreach ministry that will help serve our young Mother's, as young as 14 years old in our community, seek to be all that she desires to be while allowing God to mold her to be what He designed her to be. Although being a mother at 14, 15 or 16 seems unrealistic the truth is; is that it is REAL and it happens everyday. A young lady will choose to involve herself in something that can cause a life-long consequences, that will not only effect her, by those around her as well. Sadly in some places, many of these young ladies don't make the choice, it is chosen for them. And they are struck with something that they didn't ask for, but are made to make adult decisions and live in hardships. But that is a different subject for a different day.

God has placed these young ladies who seek help, guidance, spiritual guidance, coaching, encouraging & whatever else on my heart and I will do what it takes to help. At this time God is still working on behalf of ADs and I know in my heart that He has a plan. I just pray daily that my desires will align with God will for this ministry.

God has given me the chance to take part in something incredible! This blessing will enable me to do what He has for me to do. At times we ask God to give us, show us, and guide us and his answer is either YES, NO & WAIT. But He never says HOW or WHEN. I am asking that all my prayer warriors, friends, family & THE BODY OF CHRIST please be in prayer for me as I embark on something new. That I will use this opportunity to glorify the awesome God that I serve and share his Love and kindness. That God will equip me with every tool that I will need to live out his truths. Although I know that God will never call us to do something and not equip us with the tools to achieve, at times it seems "to good to be true" and we tend to doubt our calling. BUT that is when we must humble ourselves and have a heart of discernment. There is a difference between a CALLING & a NEED. It takes a change of heart by God to know the difference. I am so thankful that God would choose me, someone who struggled with self-esteem, self-identity, self-control, lustful desire, selfishness, bitterness and all kinds of MESS & made it out of a message! HE MAKES ALL THINGS NEW!! 

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