Hello to all my lovely followers! So glad and thankful that you have taken time out to read this blog post -this is probably the most important one that I have ever post. I would like to address something that has been around for many, many years.....at times gone unseen, ignored, and not to be bothered because of the fear of what could happen. The subject I will be talking about is BULLYING. Yes, we are about to get into it and the dangers of it and why it should not be tolerated or ignored. Bully:: "a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people." Hmmm I know that we all have had our own personal run-ins with bully whether at school, at work or that neighborhood bully -but we all have had our share right? Either you were being bullied or you were at one time the "BULLY". If this does not pertain to then consider yourself blessed because according to statistics, 2010 reveal that bullying is a crime that is not going away anytime soon. There are about 160,000 children that miss school every day out of fear of being bullied. The fact that they say, "is not going away anytime soon." scares me a little. No there may not be a definite end to bullying, but I think that if we would stand up to the problem, do our part as adults & parents, talk to our children and inform them, then the "problem" can be addressed sooner than later. the sooner the better, right? The reason i say that is because bullying also leads to low self esteem, which can also trigger suicide. Though too many adults still see bullying as "just part of being a kid," it is a serious problem that leads to many negative effects for victims, including suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. THIS CAN'T BE IGNORED ANY LONGER. That is why i have chosen to STAND for those who are weak, SPEAK for those who are shamed, and to TAKE back what the enemy is trying to steal, which is our youth. I have been tugged to start a small group that deals with this matter. "Zero-Tolerance" will allow the opportunity for children to speak on this matter, address what bothers them and also give them the courage to STAND UP and say NO MORE. If you would like to take part in this movement, please feel free to contact me(I will leave info below) Yes, Bullying is a big things and has been for a very long time, BUT the GOD that i serve is so much BIGGER & is able to do more than we could ever imagine.
CONTACT INFO:: email- lenay_w@yahoo.com
then there is always Facebook- Lenay Williams
and Twitter. you can find me or follow @ lenay_wa
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