Saturday, November 12, 2011

I am Thankful for.....

.Hello everyone! Well this is it, this is the time of the year when we take out time to list off things that we grateful for. As for me personally, I think it should be done 365 days a year. But i would like to name some things that I am  most grateful for: first off, I am thankful for SALVATION. Without God's grace, mercy, and the willing to allow me chance after chance I don't know where I would be. I could guess, but it wouldn't be all! We must understand that without salvation, none of us could stand a chance. Because of the blood that was shed at calvery, we have the opportunity to come into a relationship with God. Salvation gives us the chance to be saved from hell, something that we ALL deserve considering that we all are born into sin. Salvation is something more than Jesus dying, being buried and rising on the third day although all this is great and had to happen ,it also has given a chance to have a intimate  relationship with God, Jesus' blood had to be shed. To share in his "awesomeness" and to live a life full of joy, happiness, and prosperity, while on earth. Salvation is avalible for all who believes and trusts. I am just so thankful, that God would take the time to consider little ole me:) There have been many situations in my life where I have been just taken back with the opportunities God has laid before me. For instance, at the age of 16 I was blessed to take a missionary trip with some great youth leaders to Aldama, Mexico....IT WAS THE ONE OF THE GREATEST EXPERIENCES IN MY LIFE! I had never encountered such beauty as I did at that place. Though the town we visited was a very very poor town, no running water, naked children walking all around, people standing along the road-sides begging, and even willing to sell themselves.....the beauty of that place was magnificent. The splendor of the mountains and the way the sun peeped over them at dusk was enough to leave you in awe. God's fingerprints where left in the sky as a promise that he would help those who cried out passionately to Him. And that was why we were there. God had sent me as well as many others to give to the needy, heal the sick, and most importantly to spread his gospel to the hopeless, and that is what we did. I remember leaving that place thinking, not only thinking I will be "moving back soon" but thinking God had done such amazing things in the 6 days that we were their and that they would never be the same. I am so thankful, that I was able to share in such an awesome experience. And blessed to say that I will be taking another in February to Haiti!! God is NOT done with me yet!:) Another thing I am thankful for is my family. I have such an awesome little family. My Husband Perry, whom I have been with 11 years, married for 2. Our great children, 2 girls and 2 boys. 10, 7, 5, and 3. And our yorkie mixed breed "Bella" I had never imagined having a family when i was younger. I always had it made up in my mind that I "would never have kids"......LOL! They have came into my life and made wonderful changes. My oldest child came at a time when I needed it most. Though she was conceived out of the order God has designed, i firmly believe that NO life is a mistake, and she was sent as an eye-opnener for me. My husband is the greatest Father's that I have ever known. being that mines wasn't a father to me at all he is the father that I only knew. It is so amazing to see him interact with our children and to see the difference. My sister who play a very big part in my life are appreciated as well, my oldest, much like me knows and loves God and has made Him head of her life....God is still working on my little one though. I can see it! I am also thankful for my church family. They have been a part of my life since I was 13 and so there is a lot of history there. I am so very thankful for all of them especially the ladies. Everyone of them have been placed in a certain place for a particular reason. They are more than friends, they are my sisters. I am thankful for so much more, but these 3 were the most. 1)Salvation 2)Family and my FREEDOM........freedom in America and in Christ. In both situations lives have been sacrificed in order for us to live freely......never take for granted the ones who have lad their lives on the line, selflessly so that you can be FREE! THANKFUL!

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