Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Day in the Life of a BJJ Mom!

Hello my beautiful readers! Thought it was about time for a new blog post. I didn't really have to ponder on what topic to talk about this has been very evident in my life, for the last 2 years, that I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. If you don't know what that is, I have a whole other blog-post that talks about just that (click here to read all about that

But I decided to write this one, when it really just crossed my mind & settled in my soul(Ha! that's pretty deep) on how hard it is to train BJJ with all the other stuff going on in my life. Being a Mother is a VERY busy job. I have had the honor of being a Mom for 12 years, so I guess you'd think I should be used to it, huh? Well, NO! No, two days are the same. There is something new every single day of each moment.Some people may say, "Why not just take something out, just simplify it." SIMPLE? That words is no longer in my vocabulary........and even if I could take something out, chances are I would just feel it up with something else! Jiu Jitsu is a huge part of my life. I have fell in-love with an art that is unexplainable. Some don't understand, those who train it totally understand it & then there is some who could careless. I have slowly, but surely learned how to get all my wifely/motherly duties done and still have time to train what I love to do.

 A typical morning for me starts at 6am. While sounding like a Drill Sergent running through the house turning on lights and yelling "time to get up" I know that I have a long day ahead of me. Because we have one in Jr. High, getting clothes laid out & ironed has narrowed down, but it's still hard work. When everyone is up, dressed, hair combed and a little breakfast in the belly's is time to load up the caravan and go.  After kids a dropped off at school it's now time for me to head to work. I work 2 jobs. I work as a Women's Coordinator for our "REFINED" & STARS program at the Lighthouse Foundation and I also Tutor there. I also work at a gift shop located in our Historic Downtown called Green Door Trading Co. I do car-lines, doctor's appointments, PTO, after-school programs, clean house, dinners and the list goes on and on..............Where some women would probably stop there, my list still continues, that is where my love and passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu steps into play.  I have had a lot of women t ask, "Lenay, how do you do it?" My answer, I JUST GET IT DONE! Yes, it's hard being a Mother of 4, a wife and work 2 jobs......but for the things you love don't you make time for it? I do!

Now, I would be lying if I said that every night I was excited about training. At times I have to fight through my tiredness and fatigue, at time cramps and migraines and JUST TRAIN!!! When I know that it is just impossible for me to be there both physically and mentally I take what I like to call, a rest day. On a normal I train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. During the school year, I narrow it down to at least 4 days maybe 3.
I love to train this art and that is why I make the time. It's not easy to be a Mom, Wife and a BJJ Practitioner. There are days where I cry because I just feel like I get NO break at all! Notice that word FEEL. If I did what I felt like doing all the time, then I probably wouldn't get anything done, lol! I am grateful for such an awesome Husband and training partner! For me to say I do this alone would be a total lie! He is the reason I started BJJ, he is the reason I work so hard and He is what inspires me to get better! He give me the hardest time at times but I know it's because he loves me:)
I have no plans in quitting BJJ anytime soon, In  fact I have some tournaments I would love to compete in, in the future.
I almost can't believe I had enough time to sit down and finish this! A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BJJ MOM!


  1. Great read! What a scedule!, you hold & still make time for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Good luck in your forth coming tournaments

  2. This is so awesome to read! I can't believe I'm just finding your blog!
