If we take a step back, and get a good look at ourselves; the question would simply be, "what's important to me?" The other question following that would be "And why?" -so lets take a moment to reflect.......3....2....1..... Selfishly we would say, my family is important, to me also my friends, my career, my well-being, my future and so on and so forth. Right? Now lets look back at our importances, everything that we mentioned started with a "MY." We are naming people other than ourselves, by the fact still remains that me put US first. We don't see anything wrong with it, in fact we never think twice about it because it seems so right. We need to make sure the needs of our family and friends are met first(and that is still putting self 1st) and then we will do whatever we can, with what we have lef to help others in need. And that is our earthly mind-frame. But the word of God says, according to Phil.2:1-4, that "If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." In a the NIV version it says, "to consider others BETTER that yourself." and when we say others God is talking about your enemies as well! That's a hard pill to swallow without water, but if you have taken a drink of the Living Water, you'd know that it is easy when we are walking in the power of God. The 'American Dream' has trained us to think that whatever I set my mind to, I can achieve AND YOU CAN, ...........but the worlds way of doing things totally go against the order of ways that God commands us. But now-a-days, hurting feelings, breaking promises, holding things back, letting things all hang out, backstabbing, greed, arrogance, and many more, have played apart of many peoples success, if they did NOT put God first. Now, I am not saying that there's something wrong with setting goals and ambitions so please don't turn this around, what I am saying is in the traditional AMERICAN way of living depending on self is valued way too much, when the truth is GOD PROVIDES......he provides us with the things we need, and he rids of the things we don't need. He doesn't do that because he doesn't doesn't love us, but simply because he knows whats BEST! Let's not allow our American Dream, wash out God's Will in our Lives. We dont live to satisfy self and what looks right to others. We were created to please God, and to live for Him, not under the laws of the American dream but under the Will of God.
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