Thursday, March 22, 2012

MISSION POSSIBLE & Adonai's Daughters...our purpose

Hello Everyone! So here I am again with a new blog post and I am super excited about it. I will get the opportunity, this time around to give a little insight on "MISSION POSSIBLE" it's purpose and also speak on 'Adonai's Daughter' and its mission as well. First off let me start of just saying this: I refuse to do anything out of self-praise. My actions will speak highly of the AWESOME God that I serve, and the strength that He generously gives me to be about His business. A lot of people are called, asked & commanded to do things, but only few will answer and answer with a mind up mind and surrendered heart. Please remember that God will NEVER call you to do anything that He has not equipped you for or that He didn't think that you could fulfill.
****Okay, so here we go:::: A few years ago, God gave me a vision. This vision would make it possible for young girls in our community, get educated how to rise above what the world says that have to be. Now days, its okay for a girl as young as 15, to become pregnant, and be a mother. "They" also say that its okay to engage in sexually intercourse with guy,boy or man who is not your husband....oh and gets better! It's also says it's okay not to use protection because the percentage of you coming in contact with a STD is slim to nothing because the guys doesn't look like he's carrying anything. And Aids....oh, shoot don't worry with that either, that's not coming to Corinth, MS. Plus, that only happens to the ones who are homosexual......right? Oh and to the men, women and children in Africa. RIGHT?  And because of that type of mind-frame....they expose ourselves to the this everyday when they decide to have sex unprotected...........but because of  LACK OF KNOWLEDGE we are tricked into believing that this can not happen to me. Truth is: IT CAN & and WILL if we continue to live carelessly, and as think that we hold our on lives in our hands. That is when Adonai's Daughters came into play. This program would give young ladies the opportunity to be in a group setting and discuss these issues, receive facts, hear and read what the Bible says about these issues and more importantly learn about about a God that loves them more than anything else in this world & know that He has a plan for each and everyone of them. At the time, this program was aimed toward 8th grade girls and up. Now, after read statics and facts on what is going on in northeast Mississippi and learning that a girl as young as 11 years will experience a sexual encounter and may become pregnant as young as 12,then we knew we had to target younger groups of girls to to keep it in a appropriate manner, they will be introduced in a much different set-up(that is still in the works) Adonai's Daughters mission is to BRING HOPE. And I am proud to say that will will target more that just sexually active teens. MISSION POSSIBLE will be talked about in the near future, my team and I are still in the process of planning this and allowing ourselves to be completely moved out of the way, so that God can do what He does best and that is SAVE, SET FREE, RESTORE, REVIVE and bring GLORY to his name. So to YOU who is reading this, please take time to pray for this mission. My purpose in life is to worship, and exemplify that God is MORE THAN ABLE TO DO WHAT WE ASK OR IMAGINE. I am a living witness to what God will and can do, when we surrender our lives to him and let him take total control. I am so thankful that He would consider me. I know that lives can be changed and restored, and when that is done then they can go out and reach others. how do i know.....because it happened to me. God is so faithful and will do what He says he will do.

1 comment:

  1. Lenay, you're right...a lot of people are called, but only a few answer. Thank God that you are one to make that bold move. I will continue to be in prayer for your mission. If God has led you in this direction, he will give you everything you need for it to be successful.
    NaToya Rae
