Oh my! It has been a WHOLE year since I have blogged. Time has flown, things have changed and I don't know where to begin......aaahhh! Instead of overloading you guys with what has taken place within the last 12 months, I'll just begin with how happy I am to be blogging again! I will keep this post short and simple that way I can have some things to write up in the months to come.
I have decided that an easier way for me to Blog is to take notes, write down things when they happen, keep a journal and also make a little video Diary. 😁
I think 2 blogs a month is all this busy Mom of 4 can promise at this time. And maybe as time passes I will up the Ani sooooooooo, please bare with me as I get back into the groove of blogging agian. I will also try to address "Hot Topics" as well as my personal (but not too personal) life in my blogs as well. Well............that's that! Stay tuned for more 'In the Mix with Six' ........also thinking about changing that domain name:)
Here are some things that have updated:
1. My BJJ Blue belt promotion.......and one added stripe after a good roll with my head instructor.........promotion!
2. became the Women's Director at The Lighthouse Foundation.
3. My oldest daughter decided to go Au Naturale.
4.Perry's Brown Belt promotion! (IT WAS A PRETTY BIG DEAL)
5. We got a new car!
In the Mix with 6......
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
"The More You Read, The More You Know......"
'the more you read the more you know, the more you know the smarter you grow, the smarter you grow the stronger your voice, when speaking your mind or making a choice'
I learned this in I was in 3rd grade. I remember when our librarian had said it to us and was giving prizes for those who could memorize it! Only few of us got it down pact, some didn't care if they knew it at all. What I thought was just a memory quote for a prize became something that would stick with me on up until adulthood & I would teach it to my children as well.
In this blog post I am going to be talking the LOVE for reading and how important it is for us as parents to encourage our kids to read. When I was growing up I had an older sister who LOVED to read. As a kid her favorites were Romona Quimby books, lol! She also loved to share the funny parts with us and tell us about the endings. My younger sister and I enjoy hearing about the book, but we never wanted to read it for ourselves. Even though our oldest sister had a love for reading, she never made us or forced us to read. Thinking about it now, I sure wished she had of.
But because of her relationship with reading, she was very, very, very, very intelligent. She knew everything growing up. I remember times whenever we had anything we wanted to know about Nicky knew the answer. Not only did she know the answers but she could explain how she found the answers the too! She was a genius to my youngest sister and I & you couldn't have told us anything different. Reading was a huge and still is to this day, a huge part of her life.
Reading is very important. Not only is it a great way of learning, buy it also gives you a great way to use your imagination.
We will be instilling that into our children at our Lighthouse Tutoring Program this year. We will encourage, inspire, educate and teach them to read!! I talked with a guy the other day and who gave me stats on reading in America. He went on to tell me how jails and prisons are built. So with that I went on to get more educated about this. I read that in Texas they uses fourth grade reading scores to project the number of prison cells they’re going need 10 years later. WOW!!! Sad But true!
This disturbed me to the core and made my desire to read stronger & made my desire to spread the importance of reading stronger. During our Tutoring program this year we are really pushing reading. If you or anyone you know would love to donate children's books please let me know. You reach via email: lenay_w@yahoo.com or at the Lighthouse Foundation at (662) 206-0091.
We all know reading to our kids is a good thing—but are you familiar with the specific advantages your toddler or preschool-age child can receive by being exposed to the merits of reading? Below are some benefits that highlight the importance of reading to your child between the ages of two and five.
But because of her relationship with reading, she was very, very, very, very intelligent. She knew everything growing up. I remember times whenever we had anything we wanted to know about Nicky knew the answer. Not only did she know the answers but she could explain how she found the answers the too! She was a genius to my youngest sister and I & you couldn't have told us anything different. Reading was a huge and still is to this day, a huge part of her life.
Reading is very important. Not only is it a great way of learning, buy it also gives you a great way to use your imagination.
We will be instilling that into our children at our Lighthouse Tutoring Program this year. We will encourage, inspire, educate and teach them to read!! I talked with a guy the other day and who gave me stats on reading in America. He went on to tell me how jails and prisons are built. So with that I went on to get more educated about this. I read that in Texas they uses fourth grade reading scores to project the number of prison cells they’re going need 10 years later. WOW!!! Sad But true!
This disturbed me to the core and made my desire to read stronger & made my desire to spread the importance of reading stronger. During our Tutoring program this year we are really pushing reading. If you or anyone you know would love to donate children's books please let me know. You reach via email: lenay_w@yahoo.com or at the Lighthouse Foundation at (662) 206-0091.
We all know reading to our kids is a good thing—but are you familiar with the specific advantages your toddler or preschool-age child can receive by being exposed to the merits of reading? Below are some benefits that highlight the importance of reading to your child between the ages of two and five.
- A stronger relationship with you. As your child grows older, he’ll be on the move—playing, running, and constantly exploring his environment. Snuggling up with a book lets the two of you slow down and recaptures that sweet, cuddly time you enjoyed when he was a baby. Instead of being seen as a chore or a task, reading will become a nurturing activity that will bring the two of you closer together.
Academic excellence. One of the primary benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning in general. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all facets of formal education. After all, if a student struggles to put together words and sentences, how can he be expected to grasp the math, science, and social concepts he’ll be presented with when he begins elementary school?
- Basic speech skills. Throughout toddlerhood and preschool, your child is learning critical language and enunciation skills. By listening to you read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, your child is reinforcing the basic sounds that form language. “Pretend reading”—when a toddler pages through a book with squeals and jabbers of delight—is a very important pre-literacy activity. As a preschooler, your child will likely begin sounding out words on his own.
- The basics of how to read a book. Children aren’t born with an innate knowledge that text is read from left to right, or that the words on a page are separate from the images. Essential pre-reading skills like these are among the major benefits of early reading.
- Better communication skills. When you spend time reading to toddlers, they’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way. By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books you read, as well as the contact with you during story time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills.
- Mastery of language. Early reading for toddlers has been linked to a better grasp of the fundamentals of language as they approach school age.
- More logical thinking skills. Another illustration of the importance of reading to children is their ability to grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment. As your toddler or preschooler begins to relate the scenarios in books to what’s happening in his own world, he’ll become more excited about the stories you share.
- Acclamation to new experiences. As your child approaches a major developmental milestone or a potentially stressful experience, sharing a relevant story is a great way to help ease the transition. For instance, if your little one is nervous about starting preschool, reading a story dealing with this topic shows her that her anxiety is normal.
- Enhanced concentration and discipline. Toddlers may initially squirm and become distracted during story time, but eventually they’ll learn to stay put for the duration of the book. Along with reading comprehension comes a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well when she enters school.
- The knowledge that reading is fun! Early reading for toddlers helps them view books as an indulgence, not a chore. Kids who are exposed to reading are much more likely to choose books over video games, television, and other forms of entertainment as they grow older.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The Day in the Life of a BJJ Mom!
Hello my beautiful readers! Thought it was about time for a new blog post. I didn't really have to ponder on what topic to talk about this time.........it has been very evident in my life, for the last 2 years, that I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. If you don't know what that is, I have a whole other blog-post that talks about just that (click here to read all about that http://brownbagblessings-adonaisdaughter.blogspot.com/2013/06/you-train-what.html)
But I decided to write this one, when it really just crossed my mind & settled in my soul(Ha! that's pretty deep) on how hard it is to train BJJ with all the other stuff going on in my life. Being a Mother is a VERY busy job. I have had the honor of being a Mom for 12 years, so I guess you'd think I should be used to it, huh? Well, NO! No, two days are the same. There is something new every single day of each moment.Some people may say, "Why not just take something out, just simplify it." SIMPLE? That words is no longer in my vocabulary........and even if I could take something out, chances are I would just feel it up with something else! Jiu Jitsu is a huge part of my life. I have fell in-love with an art that is unexplainable. Some don't understand, those who train it totally understand it & then there is some who could careless. I have slowly, but surely learned how to get all my wifely/motherly duties done and still have time to train what I love to do.
A typical morning for me starts at 6am. While sounding like a Drill Sergent running through the house turning on lights and yelling "time to get up" I know that I have a long day ahead of me. Because we have one in Jr. High, getting clothes laid out & ironed has narrowed down, but it's still hard work. When everyone is up, dressed, hair combed and a little breakfast in the belly's is time to load up the caravan and go. After kids a dropped off at school it's now time for me to head to work. I work 2 jobs. I work as a Women's Coordinator for our "REFINED" & STARS program at the Lighthouse Foundation and I also Tutor there. I also work at a gift shop located in our Historic Downtown called Green Door Trading Co. I do car-lines, doctor's appointments, PTO, after-school programs, clean house, dinners and the list goes on and on..............Where some women would probably stop there, my list still continues, that is where my love and passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu steps into play. I have had a lot of women t ask, "Lenay, how do you do it?" My answer, I JUST GET IT DONE! Yes, it's hard being a Mother of 4, a wife and work 2 jobs......but for the things you love don't you make time for it? I do!
Now, I would be lying if I said that every night I was excited about training. At times I have to fight through my tiredness and fatigue, at time cramps and migraines and JUST TRAIN!!! When I know that it is just impossible for me to be there both physically and mentally I take what I like to call, a rest day. On a normal I train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. During the school year, I narrow it down to at least 4 days maybe 3.
I love to train this art and that is why I make the time. It's not easy to be a Mom, Wife and a BJJ Practitioner. There are days where I cry because I just feel like I get NO break at all! Notice that word FEEL. If I did what I felt like doing all the time, then I probably wouldn't get anything done, lol! I am grateful for such an awesome Husband and training partner! For me to say I do this alone would be a total lie! He is the reason I started BJJ, he is the reason I work so hard and He is what inspires me to get better! He give me the hardest time at times but I know it's because he loves me:)
I have no plans in quitting BJJ anytime soon, In fact I have some tournaments I would love to compete in, in the future.
I almost can't believe I had enough time to sit down and finish this! A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BJJ MOM!
But I decided to write this one, when it really just crossed my mind & settled in my soul(Ha! that's pretty deep) on how hard it is to train BJJ with all the other stuff going on in my life. Being a Mother is a VERY busy job. I have had the honor of being a Mom for 12 years, so I guess you'd think I should be used to it, huh? Well, NO! No, two days are the same. There is something new every single day of each moment.Some people may say, "Why not just take something out, just simplify it." SIMPLE? That words is no longer in my vocabulary........and even if I could take something out, chances are I would just feel it up with something else! Jiu Jitsu is a huge part of my life. I have fell in-love with an art that is unexplainable. Some don't understand, those who train it totally understand it & then there is some who could careless. I have slowly, but surely learned how to get all my wifely/motherly duties done and still have time to train what I love to do.
A typical morning for me starts at 6am. While sounding like a Drill Sergent running through the house turning on lights and yelling "time to get up" I know that I have a long day ahead of me. Because we have one in Jr. High, getting clothes laid out & ironed has narrowed down, but it's still hard work. When everyone is up, dressed, hair combed and a little breakfast in the belly's is time to load up the caravan and go. After kids a dropped off at school it's now time for me to head to work. I work 2 jobs. I work as a Women's Coordinator for our "REFINED" & STARS program at the Lighthouse Foundation and I also Tutor there. I also work at a gift shop located in our Historic Downtown called Green Door Trading Co. I do car-lines, doctor's appointments, PTO, after-school programs, clean house, dinners and the list goes on and on..............Where some women would probably stop there, my list still continues, that is where my love and passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu steps into play. I have had a lot of women t ask, "Lenay, how do you do it?" My answer, I JUST GET IT DONE! Yes, it's hard being a Mother of 4, a wife and work 2 jobs......but for the things you love don't you make time for it? I do!
Now, I would be lying if I said that every night I was excited about training. At times I have to fight through my tiredness and fatigue, at time cramps and migraines and JUST TRAIN!!! When I know that it is just impossible for me to be there both physically and mentally I take what I like to call, a rest day. On a normal I train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. During the school year, I narrow it down to at least 4 days maybe 3.
I love to train this art and that is why I make the time. It's not easy to be a Mom, Wife and a BJJ Practitioner. There are days where I cry because I just feel like I get NO break at all! Notice that word FEEL. If I did what I felt like doing all the time, then I probably wouldn't get anything done, lol! I am grateful for such an awesome Husband and training partner! For me to say I do this alone would be a total lie! He is the reason I started BJJ, he is the reason I work so hard and He is what inspires me to get better! He give me the hardest time at times but I know it's because he loves me:)
I have no plans in quitting BJJ anytime soon, In fact I have some tournaments I would love to compete in, in the future.
I almost can't believe I had enough time to sit down and finish this! A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BJJ MOM!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Hello my beautiful readers!!!! I know it has been 3weeks since I have posted a new blog & I apologize for that. School started back this month (doing a celebratory dance*) and we have been trying to get back on the 'Back to School" schedule. I am also still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that my husband and I have a child in Jr. High!!!! Heeeeee! (sigh*) It's all just going by so fast:) But even with all that I am so thankful and grateful for it all. Now on to my BlogPost::
After a long talk with a very good friend and co-worker, just about life and what we do with it and how we either live it to the fullest or either complain day in and day out, some how we got on the subject of fine china. Now, if you are a Southern Belle like myself, you know that in the south people take pride in things, ha! In my Grandparents house my grandmother had a Porcelain, white cat that she kept in front of the her television. The cat was in a laying down position so it made it look as if the cat was just.........well just chillin. As creepy as it was to us and even more creepy that the cat had a name............ WE COULD NOT TOUCH that porcelain, white cat!!! Now we never knew the importance of that cat nor what it symbolize or meant to the late Fannie O. Walker, all we needed to know is that it was like family, lol!!! It was one of those 'non-touchables' in her house.
Now in my home it was different. My mother, a home interior decorator at the time, had a love for home decor. I remember she would sell Home Interior (it was the AVON of the 90's), hold H.I. parties, and just have random people show up at the house to place orders. She also had a love for wine glasses and crystal. We had a bar set up in our home with just displays of over 200 pieces of wines glasses and crystals. That wasn't her only collection of extravagant pieces; she also collected ducks......porcelain of course, ha! And she has a China cabinet that held about 20-25 pieces of fine China.
Now, you can imagine the egg-shells my sisters and myself had to walk on, lol! Well, it wasn't that bad but we did have to watch carefully whenever we decided to horse play and have those random pillow fights!
I wrote all that to say this:::: JUST USE THE FiNE CHINA ALREADY!!!! How many of us have those porcelain cats & ducks in our lives? Those things that we dare to let anyone touch or use?
Things that keep us bound up. & Making sure no one unlocks the cabinets and share on the goodness that we keep to ourselves. Some of those things are talents, passions, calling and even at times love. God gave us this life to live. Christ died to give us a life of abundance and fullfillment. That passion, that drive, your talent........it's God given. USE IT! Don't let it waste away, don't let it set up and collect dust. Let people see it and enjoy it! Don't allow time to get away form you, enjoy each moment of each day, take chances, use wise choices. ENJOY LIFE!
After a long talk with a very good friend and co-worker, just about life and what we do with it and how we either live it to the fullest or either complain day in and day out, some how we got on the subject of fine china. Now, if you are a Southern Belle like myself, you know that in the south people take pride in things, ha! In my Grandparents house my grandmother had a Porcelain, white cat that she kept in front of the her television. The cat was in a laying down position so it made it look as if the cat was just.........well just chillin. As creepy as it was to us and even more creepy that the cat had a name............ WE COULD NOT TOUCH that porcelain, white cat!!! Now we never knew the importance of that cat nor what it symbolize or meant to the late Fannie O. Walker, all we needed to know is that it was like family, lol!!! It was one of those 'non-touchables' in her house.
Now in my home it was different. My mother, a home interior decorator at the time, had a love for home decor. I remember she would sell Home Interior (it was the AVON of the 90's), hold H.I. parties, and just have random people show up at the house to place orders. She also had a love for wine glasses and crystal. We had a bar set up in our home with just displays of over 200 pieces of wines glasses and crystals. That wasn't her only collection of extravagant pieces; she also collected ducks......porcelain of course, ha! And she has a China cabinet that held about 20-25 pieces of fine China.
Now, you can imagine the egg-shells my sisters and myself had to walk on, lol! Well, it wasn't that bad but we did have to watch carefully whenever we decided to horse play and have those random pillow fights!
I wrote all that to say this:::: JUST USE THE FiNE CHINA ALREADY!!!! How many of us have those porcelain cats & ducks in our lives? Those things that we dare to let anyone touch or use?
Things that keep us bound up. & Making sure no one unlocks the cabinets and share on the goodness that we keep to ourselves. Some of those things are talents, passions, calling and even at times love. God gave us this life to live. Christ died to give us a life of abundance and fullfillment. That passion, that drive, your talent........it's God given. USE IT! Don't let it waste away, don't let it set up and collect dust. Let people see it and enjoy it! Don't allow time to get away form you, enjoy each moment of each day, take chances, use wise choices. ENJOY LIFE!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
True Happiness..............
Hello my beautiful friends! This blog is going to be a little different from all the others. What will make it so different, you ask? Well, in any other blog post, I would normally sit down for days prior to post, and would have came up with topics, guidelines, things to talk about, edit and proofread, but in this particular post I am honestly typing what is on my mind at the present time.
I am going to try not to bore you all with a long blog about what has been bothering me in the past few weeks, but I do want to share with you guys some things that have been going on in my life and why my faith is so deep in God.
A few weeks ago, I found out that my mom is in the hospital with a pretty bad infection in her body. The infection was so bad that she was under a "health hazard" and her room door was marked in green as an indication of being highly contagious and infectious. Of course my heart began to cry out for my Mother, for healing and wholeness. For as long as I can remember, my Mom has always dealt with health issues. In 2002 she was diagnosed with Diabetes and years prior she had numerous surgeries for other issues she dared to tell us because she wanted no one to worry. As I began to cry out to God for my Mom's healing, He interuppted my prayer to say, "What would it do for me to heal her body, but her soul still be dead? You see my mother is not saved. Yes, she believes in God, claims to love God, and knows that He is real, but she has yet to make him Lord over her life. This was most definitely what I didn't want to her from God during a prayer, but it was what I needed to hear.
This is what God was saying, Yes, I could heal Brenda and make her whole, but that is not what I only want to do for her. I come to give life. healing is great, but LIFE IS BETTER!
I can pray for my mother, I can pray that God keep her safe, heal her, cure her make her doctor appointments a great experience for that week, I can even pray that she can quit a very bad habit that she has carried around for 30+ years, but if her heart isn't right with God then all that doesn't really matter. Now in my heart, I know God wasn't saying not pray for her and the issues that she has. I need to pray for those things and will. He was telling me to be in prayer for a lost soul. He was telling me to be in prayer for someone who needed to know about a God who loves them more than they could ever imagine. I needed to praying that she would surrender all to God and choose to live a life pleasing to the One who can set free, heal and deliver!
In Matthew 16:26 it says, "For what does a person benefit if he gains the whole world and lacks his soul? Or what will a person give to regain his soul?" Yes, I need to be praying for my Mom, but praying for her salvation should be the most important. It wouldn't do any good for her to just one day up & say, "I am going to quit doing all this bad stuff that cause my body harm!" And walk around freed from addiction, but still be bound to all the other stuff in her life that is no good for her soul.
I want to see my Mom healed and whole physically, I can't wait to see the true color of her eyes and have her talk to me with a sobber mind everyday, BUT I DESIRE NOW, TO SEE HER SAVED!!! I am asking all my bothers and sister who believe, to please be in prayer for my Mother.
It says in His word that "by his stripes we are healed." In this he is talking about a SPIRITUAL HEALING, NOT PHYSICAL! God is concerned with our inner more than the outer. When we get the inner taken care of and allow him to dwell within us, then He begins to work on the outer!
Be Blessed my Beautiful Friends <3
I am going to try not to bore you all with a long blog about what has been bothering me in the past few weeks, but I do want to share with you guys some things that have been going on in my life and why my faith is so deep in God.
A few weeks ago, I found out that my mom is in the hospital with a pretty bad infection in her body. The infection was so bad that she was under a "health hazard" and her room door was marked in green as an indication of being highly contagious and infectious. Of course my heart began to cry out for my Mother, for healing and wholeness. For as long as I can remember, my Mom has always dealt with health issues. In 2002 she was diagnosed with Diabetes and years prior she had numerous surgeries for other issues she dared to tell us because she wanted no one to worry. As I began to cry out to God for my Mom's healing, He interuppted my prayer to say, "What would it do for me to heal her body, but her soul still be dead? You see my mother is not saved. Yes, she believes in God, claims to love God, and knows that He is real, but she has yet to make him Lord over her life. This was most definitely what I didn't want to her from God during a prayer, but it was what I needed to hear.
This is what God was saying, Yes, I could heal Brenda and make her whole, but that is not what I only want to do for her. I come to give life. healing is great, but LIFE IS BETTER!
I can pray for my mother, I can pray that God keep her safe, heal her, cure her make her doctor appointments a great experience for that week, I can even pray that she can quit a very bad habit that she has carried around for 30+ years, but if her heart isn't right with God then all that doesn't really matter. Now in my heart, I know God wasn't saying not pray for her and the issues that she has. I need to pray for those things and will. He was telling me to be in prayer for a lost soul. He was telling me to be in prayer for someone who needed to know about a God who loves them more than they could ever imagine. I needed to praying that she would surrender all to God and choose to live a life pleasing to the One who can set free, heal and deliver!
In Matthew 16:26 it says, "For what does a person benefit if he gains the whole world and lacks his soul? Or what will a person give to regain his soul?" Yes, I need to be praying for my Mom, but praying for her salvation should be the most important. It wouldn't do any good for her to just one day up & say, "I am going to quit doing all this bad stuff that cause my body harm!" And walk around freed from addiction, but still be bound to all the other stuff in her life that is no good for her soul.
I want to see my Mom healed and whole physically, I can't wait to see the true color of her eyes and have her talk to me with a sobber mind everyday, BUT I DESIRE NOW, TO SEE HER SAVED!!! I am asking all my bothers and sister who believe, to please be in prayer for my Mother.
It says in His word that "by his stripes we are healed." In this he is talking about a SPIRITUAL HEALING, NOT PHYSICAL! God is concerned with our inner more than the outer. When we get the inner taken care of and allow him to dwell within us, then He begins to work on the outer!
Be Blessed my Beautiful Friends <3
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Catching Up............
I am literally trying to catch up on all the things I had planned to blog about this summer, but had no time to sit down and do it. So here goes...............
I had the honor of working with the most amazing staff and group of children this summer!!! Mon-Thurs., from 9:45-1:30 we gave the children in our community a great atmosphere to play, learn and just be kids, all the while receive the gospel and learn of Christ and the plans He has for their lives.
We'd begin with a very HYPE morning greeting that involved dancing, guys vs gals chants rants, a Good Morning song, the Pledge, A verse of the week, skit & a devotion. The kids loved everything things about it. Then we would break off into our classroom times. I worked with the Jr. High/High school girls. Learned so much about them, built friendships and had the honor of seeing a few give their lives to Christ!! This was by far my most favorite part of the program!!!!!!!!!!
For 18 or 19 years the LH Foundation has taken 100 kids to a Sports, Christian camp called Kids Across America. I went for 3 years as a kid, once to the Parents retreat, and then this year as a first time Kaleo. The word Kaleo means, "the called one". Kaleo's are the group leaders that bring the children & I was so thankful to be apart of that! We took 87 children this year! We spent a week and had the most fun ever!!! This is a place that is truly indescribable. I have never been around so many people who had a passion to see our youth, urban youth strive to be all that God has for them to be. It is truly an anointed place! Lives were changed, souls were saved & seeds were panted! GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD!
This year Paragon Martial Arts hosted their very 1st Women's Only BJJ PowWow (semniar) First, allow me to introduce to you what Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is to give you an understanding of what it is I enjoy doing:)
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art, combat sport and a self defense system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully
defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper
technique, taking the fight to the ground – most notably by applying joint-locks and chokeholds to defeat the other person. I really enjoy training and found it a great way to work out! We had the honor of Black belt, Jason Turnage, come down and teach the seminar. We had 12 ladies to show up with some being fresh into the art and a few being their very first time! It was a great turnout and excited about hosted the next pretty soon! It's so amazing to see how women in bjj has grown and i enjoy meeting and greeting with other female bjj fighters.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Physically & Spiritually Fit!
Ok, so it has been a little over 3 weeks since I have posted......Aaaaahhhhh! I have been super-busy this summer & have had great things that I wanted to blog about, but actually sitting down and making that happen was totally different, ha! However, things have calmed in my little life and in the Williams home and so here is another post!
As a lot of you may already know, I have deep love for our Creator and a passion for fitness. And so many times, I have found it hard to talk about one without speaking about the other. To me, physical & spiritual fitness goes hand in hand. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it tells us, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
Because we do only have one body we should take very good care of it. We are commanded to HONOR our bodies. Let's take a look at how we can do that in both ways:
Physically self care- It is you taking care of the physical body that God gave to you. Only
you (unless you are an invalid) can take proper care of your own body.
No one else can do it for you.
God provided us with
the most sophisticated organism on the planet to house His Holy Spirit and
to do His work, yet many Christians choose to ignore how they care for it.
Many will argue that God doesn’t care about our physical appearance. He
cares about our heart, our character. But the reality is that
our overall physical health is much more than how we look and can in
many ways affect our heart, the type of person we are or the type of person
God wants us to be. Our health can have a direct effect on our mood, our
energy level and our ability to serve. In many ways it can have a negative
effect on the fruits of the Spirit: love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and
self-control. This in turn can affect our relationship with God; therefore,
our health can have an impact on our eternity. The bottom line is this…God
cares about our health! Everything we have,
including our bodies, is on loan from God. He entrusts us with “things” and
the more we take care of the small things, the more He can trust us with
important things. The better we take care of ourselves physically, the more
we are honoring this gift from God and the more energy we’ll have to worship
and serve Him at a higher level!
I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1 (NIV)
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